If you know me at all, you know that I am not technologically savvy. Yes, I can e-mail, I can upload (or is it download?) pictures, and I can text. But that is about it. Blogging, to me, was something unknown, much like baking the perfect potato or going a day without the TV on. But here I am.
I have to say that it has been my husband who has been encouraging me to do this lately. Is it cause he thinks I have interesting things to say? Is it cause he thinks people can learn from my daily trials and tribulations? Or is it cause of the NY Times article he recently read discussing a woman who turned her blog into a million dollar business? Well, I'll let you draw your own conclusions about that one. But, for whatever reason, I decided to throw my cyber-hat in the blogging ring (I do look pretty good in hats so what the hell.)
I think part of the reason I never did this is that my target audience is way too busy to read these types of things. I am a mother of two young girls, work part time, and, yeah, there's the band also. (as I type my 3 year old is being yelled at by daddy for hitting the 7 year old-sound familiar, people?) So, the question is, will anyone read this? Even if they don't will it be some sort of cathartic experience for me to get my thoughts out? Make me a more focused, fulfilled, stable person? Give me a sense of purpose? Give me an excuse to lock myself in the computer room every now and then?? Stay tuned...
You have at least one reader in Afghanistan!