The families eagerly await the arrival of the graduates, armed with cameras and bouquets of flowers. They have arrived early in order to get the best seats possible, waiting on line before the doors to the gymnasium open. Finally, the familiar tune of "Pomp and Circumstance" is heard and the graduates parade in, girls in white cap and gown, boys in green. Some have big smiles on their faces, some look a bit nervous. They take their places on the stage as the ceremony begins.
The graduates form groups and treat us to a few choral selections. We hear "Did you Ever See a Turkey?", "These are the People in Your Neighborhood" and "Brush Our Teeth". Oh, did I mention that the graduates are four and five years old?
This is my daughter's pre-school graduation. Thinking back, I can't remember any such, well, pomp and circumstance when I left pre-school. Yes, it's true we do make much more out of milestones now then back then. Now, everyone gets a trophy at the end of the soccer season, everyone gets a plaque for dance. Some have argued that this is not necessarily a good thing, that it waters down the "real" accomplishments. And before I had kids I might have agreed with them. But the fact is, my older daughter, who is 8, gets darn excited about her trophies. They are a testament to her hard work over the course of the season. Did they win every game? No. Not even close. But if you believe that "showing up is half the battle" then by golly, that trophy is well deserved. Yes, all of her trophies end up in a cardboard box on the top shelf of her closet, forgotten about the very next day, but I digress...
Milestones like my little one's graduation are not only for the children, but for the parents as well. Maybe even more so for us. They allow us those opportunities to reflect on our children; to have one of those "where does the time go?" experiences during our busy lives that make us appreciate the moment a bit more. I found myself being just a bit envious of the parents with children younger than our little graduates. They get to do this all over again (not me, I'm done. Finished. The ship has sailed. Don't get any ideas, friends and family, it ain't gonna happen.)
I realized that I started to feel a bit full of myself. You know how when a woman is pregnant and sometimes people will say that she acts like she is the only woman who has ever been pregnant? Damn right she feels that way! We all did, ladies, be honest, especially with our first. Yes, the room was filled with parents of graduates but I felt like jumping on that stage and shouting, "but you don't understand, that is MY daughter that is graduating!!! See her? She is obviously the smartest and cutest one!!"
So I say bring on both the pomp and circumstance! Let's celebrate at every opportunity! Come the fall my little one is off to kindergarten, where new experiences await her. Guess it's time to get her a cardboard box of her own.
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